
I am the night sky

I am not the type of girl
that people write poetry about

not the one that makes people
think of sunrises and summer rain

For I am the night sky, silent
with stars falling like
people fall for each other



She's a black hole

I look at her
She's a black hole
so open, raw
emotions sucking me in
while I fight for my life
for her life
trying to save us both
from this collapsing universe


Crashing tides

She was hoping
silently begging
for him to see
all of the overflowing rivers
she held inside of her

The drops of emotions
not even the ocean
could understand
without drowning

She wanted him
to see
the sea
the crashing tides
behind her eyes

She was always worried
the great waves
would kill him
leave him speechless

But he whispered
”I see you”


Hidden fantasy

I yearn for a place I've never known
I miss eyes I've never seen
All my life there has been
an inexplicable longing
for the nonexistent truth



Shades of self discovery

I am a messy palette
colours mixed in together
painting the outside of the
straight lines
creating grey rainbows
on bruised knees
pale skin faking freckles
just so it doesn't have to be empty

My heart dances with the moon
shining above my imagination
makes up love songs
out of sheer curiosity
while my hands
shaking hands
draw out the insecurity in my spine
shatter bones just to
find colour in them

I am the painting
so many artists in me tried to create
Never finished
Half way done
Half ready to give up
and dive in the bucket
of black paint and misunderstandings
drown out the mistakes
on my skin
under the dark layer of the facade

I'm bleeding colours
I could never imagine described me
but I am all of them
All of the shades of self discovery

I am the lost paint brush
losing all of its (h)air
while breathing under the surface
the blurry water
cleaning the layers of
unused smiles
just to take on another round

My laughing colours
bleed into each other
and the never finished canvas
wrapped around me
lets me breathe for a moment
just to let me know
how it feels like to be
a human



It is up to you

I will be invisible
for as long as you
look straight through me

I will be whole
for as long as you
don't question it

I will be okay
for as long as you
you don't see me
