

Sinä istutit minuun sen

mikä nyt pyrkii ulos

Kaunan kehoani kohtaan

tunnottomat raajat ja

irtautuneen mielen

Sinä työnsit minut reunalle

jolla olen seissyt

odottaen putoamista

Peläten ja kaivaten

tyhjää vapautta

Halu repiä itseni kappaleiksi

ja halu satuttaa sinua

voisivat olla yhtä suuret

niin kai tulisi ajatella

Tahtoisin sitä itsekin

Mutta edelleen minun kehoni on se

joka kantaa kaikki ne muistot

vaikka en enää muista

miltä tunnuit, miltä kuulostit

kaiken sen valkoisen kohinan keskellä


Starry night is leaking

through my window

water drops pouring into

this old cemetery

Night after night

I paint myself anew

because I want this

still life to resemble

something worth looking at

Please bring hellebores

to my grave

Someone else

love was meant to

heal us

it was meant to

break us

so our skin would crack

our bones break

and souls seek mending

from somewhere else

someone else


Early mornings with orange light

and dust dancing in the room

like sepia filter on an old photograph

Two vintage souls

in knots

body parts resting tangled and still

Eyelashes tremble

as dreams fade into reality

and the sun reminds the world

that the night doesn't last forever


I bathe in serotonin

to fit your mould

Breathe in dopamine

from these tanks

I'm swimming in

I'm refusing to drown

in the silence you created


as the clock ticks away

our sacred tomorrow

I long to be


Translate my thoughts

I write the same words over and over again

trying to find their right places

the perfect lines

But I don't know how to describe it all

how to convey the meaning of these verses

I'm losing my language

speaking empty sentences to deaf ears

just hoping someone knows how to

translate my thoughts

Haihdun henkäys kerrallaan

Haihdun henkäys kerrallaan

katoan savuna, savuavana sumuna

harmaana haaveena

En löydä itseäni, en voi

koskettaa sisintäni

Abstrakti, aineeton olemus

pitää minut loitolla itsestäni


When I try to pull you closer

You slip through my cracks

You wanted to mend me

Like the art of repairing what is broken

with golden seams

But the gold leaked

out of place

disappearing into the ground

You are too valuable

to spend it all on me

I just want to fly

I hear those vultures closing in

sensing my will

eager thoughts of confrontation

I just want to fly

I don't care how and where

I need the freedom

Air beneath me

Shred me or

swallow me whole

for I am the prey they need

And I want to be


En ole oma itseni
Minut on puserrettu
muotin läpi
rikottu ja kasattu ehjäksi
raavittu kasaan kengänpohjista
joiden askeleet
veivät liian kauaksi kotoa


The inevitable crash

I am not in control anymore

I'm losing these clouds I gathered
the clouds that are supposed to
make this wreck, this crashing plane
land softly

I plant flowers in jars and
behind my eyes,
hoping this speed that is
making my eyes tear up
would water them
make them bloom

I need all the beauty
I can get
for these flashing lights
scare me to death

I want to sit back and
let my world burn so bright
I can lit up the sky
with this flame inside my chest
my black box

Will anyone hear the s.o.s?

Should I scream louder,
fall faster?

I sprinkle these petals
like stars
flickering hope
because it's all I have left

Night sky

My sky looks the same at night
as it does during the day;

when the sun has just set
and the darkness flows
towards everything it wants to own

The comforting weight
of the dim air pushes
through our thoughts

I don't need sunrises
to paint the sky
with bruised colours
nor do I need the light
to find myself

I need this silence
the dusk brings us

It is the only thing
my mind can grasp


Cemeteries with wild flowers
smiling like the queens of it all
conquering man-made stones
Words written on disappearing pages
don't mean much anymore
The candles were burnt out
long before the new life started
And the memories which faded
can now reach a new light
as the blooming beauty picks up
the remains of life


I lay nude in these words
these pages
that try to cover my scars

I wrap them around me
in the hopes of you
concentrating on the art

rather than finding the real me

A paradox which can
leave us both speechless

When you see
the truth in the poetry
you can see right through me

My truths are disorted

My truths are distorted

I've come to learn
that night whispers
in inverted ways

Paints the nightmares
out of flowers and
delusions out of stars

It took the moribund time
and darkening days
to see the falsehood of it all

Now I'm grasping to
each passing second
all the familiar flickers or light

so I can find my way
through endless labyrinths
of the lies I've created for myself


Juon sen kaiken
jos saan tämän tulen
sisälläni sammumaan

Juon meren
sen aallot
siihen heijastuvat tähdet

Juon sen kuin viinin
jotta voin humaltua
sen suuruudesta

ja unohtaa
sisälläni huutavan poltteen


Did I bring this madness
this sad theory of everything
onto myself, by myself?

Did I create the monsters
just to have company
in the darkness?

I played with them
from such a young age
that I grew to love them

Now I can't let them go
and be alone again
not again


You made me smile
and that makes me want to
rip myself to pieces

I refuse to long for something
that never even existed

I am on the mercy of these flashbacks
of your heart beating against mine

They pull my heart
like they want to unravel all of it
just for the sake of never looking back

It is easier to forget than remember

Se on valhe

Määrittelen sietokykyni uudelleen
taivutan sen muodostelmaksi
ajatusvirheitä ja eleganssia
Uskottelen jaksavani koko maailman


Sinun tuoksusi
vaniljaa ja inkivääriä
kietoutuneena tyynyliinani ympärille

Teemukisi edelleen tiskialtaassa
varjosi keittiössä

Kaipaan painoasi päälläni
sitä kuinka voin
kierähtää vierellesi
sielumme toisiaan vasten
alastomina kuin ensimmäistä kertaa

Odotan vain
että voin taas suudella hymyäsi
jotta se tarttuu minuunkin

Kadota minut

Haluan kadota kosketukseesi
kuunnella kuinka kätesi
määrittävät olemassaoloni
piirtävät minut eläväksi

Vajoan allasi
olen mitä vain haluat

Voit maalata minut
niin monin värein
kuin silmäsi tahtovat
kunhan et jätä palaakaan
minusta esiin

Anna minun murtua
painoni alla
uudelleen ja uudelleen
jotta sinun olisi helpompi hengittää



Undone, unreleased
nothing holding you
but the dreams
you won't let go

Past is easier
than facing the world
that has the power
to hurt us more

Ghost in you

I fell in love with the ghost in you
the ghost of me, in you
the ghost that lightened up the nights
filled with shattered truths

I seemed to believe in the paranormal
in the ordinary thoughts and
day to day life
But in reality ghosts don't exist


Olen tämän kuplan sisällä
sen herra

Toisinaan rauhallinen ulkokuori
luo turvaa
Uskallan kääntää selkäni tyhjyydelle
Annan sen levitä iholleni
pysäyttää ajatukseni
hidastaa sykkeeni

Suljen silmäni
ja putoan onnen läpi
siihen pehmoiseen syliin
jonka olen koonnut kasaan
niistä hymyilevistä muistoista
joihin takerrun

Olen tässä


Vaikka kuori säröilee
luo varjoja
jotka matelevat kuin käärmeet
läpi tanssilattian
annan ilman virrata keuhkoihini

Kun olen tarpeeksi vahva
avaan silmäni
laulan käärmeet tainnuksiin
hypnotisoin itsenikin

Teen mitä vain säilyttääkseni
tämän alttarin jonka olen luonut

Sillä joskus pilvet löytävät
tämänkin paikan

Kuplani pinta väreilee
kuin myrskyn edellä

Voin maalata ympärilleni
kauneimmat kuvitelmat
mutta säätä en voi hallita
En voi käskeä ilmaa pysähtymään
sillä minun pitää hengittää
Täyttää itseni uudella tuulella

Annan salamoiden valaista mieleni
tummien pilvien luoda pimeän yön
jonka turvin voin päästää irti
minuun tarttuneet takiaiset

Voin sulkea silmäni
antaa sateen kastella luomeni

Ja kun herään
että voin antaa luontoni elää


Pinta kuin pumpulia
pehmeää illuusiota

Raavi syvemmälle
ihon alle
Kaiva esiin luuranko
ja sen salaisuudet

Murra luut ja löydät kaiken
Ne likaiset verisuonet

Mustuneen ytimen

Taivaan värit

Kun kohtasimme
taivas valui kirkkaana syliimme

Uimme sateessa
pisaroiden varjossa

Ajatuksissamme myrskypilvet
heittäessään ilotulituksia päällemme



She used to dislike summer. The heat and stickiness, the blazing sun and forced happiness. Even the bright nights which lasted forever and held her in the sweet bliss of relaxation, were not enough to make her love summer. She had forgotten the serenity of it during those months and years she walked alone.

She didn't like summer until his hand found hers. When the sleepless nights turned into adventures of skinny dipping in the dark and melting ice cream dripping on their fingers. How their bodies found each other in the cool air on the balcony, when it was the only place to sleep in without the heat catching them.

As autumn and winter arrived, leaving no room for the flowers to bloom and too much darkness for one mind to handle, the memories held her up. Memories of walks around the pond, picnics spent running away from bees, movie marathons on rainy days and sweet lemonade kisses. They could hold on to all the little pieces of warmth as they watched the snow slowly falling, surviving through winter together.

Every sign of spring sparks a new memory of the sun. With every melting pile of snow and every degree rising towards the sky, she could feel her happiness, her joy wake up again. Feeling the grass under her shoes after so many months of snow, she realised how much she missed summer.

She had found her favourite season in him.


What ifs

What if I'm not what you see?
What if I'm too irrational
silly, depressed
much and little?
What if I can't be enough?

And you fall
and break yourself
in the pieces
I've left behind

What if I am always the reason
you are unhappy
missing something

Because you thought you
found it all in us
but I can't play my part



Tahdon olla oikea

juuri se
mistä näet unta

Haluan olla olemassa
ja uskoa meihin

Ollakseni oikeassa
minun on kai vain
ja luottaa siihen

että sinä kestät



I'm numb
falling through meaningless days
pretending to feel

I tell I know what love feels like
I smile when I'm supposed to
I fake sadness when the rain catches us

Inside all this play
I put on every day
I stare at the sky

waiting for the moon


Panic room

I am my own panic room
locked inside
these four walls
safe and sound
or stuck in memories

Perfectly horrible mix
of both



I long to be the rain
that falls through grey skies

I reflect myself
in the clouds
read star signs
like it is the truth
of my existence

But I fall

I fall
and it is the only thing
that keeps me in motion



Sinä poimit muruseni
ripottelit ne takaisin
oikeille paikoilleen

Annoit ja otit
vaihtokauppaa parhaimmillaan

Minusta, yhdestä ja niin monesta
kokosit taas ihmisen
joka hengittää

Hymyilen, sillä tiedät
kuinka tehdä kauppaa