

The scent of rain
covers me in cotton
lays my head on the pillow

The open window next to me
spreads peace on my bed
brushes my heavy eyelids

In the candle light it's so easy
to forget the world that is shouting around me
and for a moment to believe
that everything is meant to be

Clean sheets under my naked skin
sing me a lullaby

Maybe today I can smile
even for a little while


Sateen tuoksu
peittelee minut pumpuliin
laskee pääni tyynylle

Avoin ikkuna vierelläni
levittää rauhaa sängylleni
sivelee painavia silmäluomiani

Kynttilän valossa on niin helppoa
unohtaa ympärillä meluava maailma
ja hetken aikaa uskoa
että kaikki on tarkoitettu

Puhtaat lakanat paljaan ihoni alla
laulavat tuutulaulun

Ehkä tänään voin hymyillä
edes hetken


Words on my fingertips

I have words
on my fingertips
running in my veins
circling behind my eyes

They tear me apart
and build me back again
in seconds

I need to get them out
but when I try to
bleed them on paper
they disappear



Kysymykset kaikuvat ympärilläni
ne piirittävät järkeni
täyttävät jokaisen ajatukseni epäilyksellä

Voinko koskettaa todellisuutta?
Entä jos kaikki onkin vain valveunta?

Voinko edes olla olemassa jos
jokainen solu sisälläni pyristelee irti
niistä lauseista joita itselleni hoen?

En usko että olen oikeasti täällä

Olen vain harhakuva jota
ihmiset ympärilläni ruokkivat

He pitävät minut elossa
Heidän oletuksensa ovat äänekkäämpiä
kuin minun epäilykseni
joten kukaan ei kuule

riitoja pääni sisällä


I'm a clean mess

To you my life might seem dull

To you, I'm a silly little girl
sitting in the corner of her flat
back against the wall
staring at the ceiling
figuring out if what I'm seeing
is real to you
if you have this unappealing sinking feeling too

To you it looks like I'm lazy
or maybe just too stupid to actually get my life together
trying to figure out whether I'm missing a puzzle piece
or am I the missing piece

It would take me hours and hours to tell you
why there is a knot inside of me
why there is this dark shadow around my heart
making its way to my brain
so it can rain on it and blame me
of all the bad things around me

To you my life might seem useless

To you I'm a self-centered person in her own world
trying to avoid eye contact and touches
trying to avoid other people and still long for cuddles

To you it looks like I'm not capable of simple things life throws at me
and that I'm too weak to pick up the pieces of myself from the floor
so I can glue them back on
and be whole again to take the pain

It would take a lifetime
to find all the small crumbs of self esteem
and happiness from the corners of this cold flat
which makes my life complete
and completely deadbeat

To you, I'm a mess
I'm a clean mess
trying not to fuck up more than I have to
trying to keep together all the puzzle pieces you are stealing from me
I'm trying to give you my plea
tell you this is exactly what I need

The puzzle pieces you think are not necessary
are vital to me
Stealing the pieces means you are stealing parts of me
and you can't see that you just need to let me be

I need all the non fitting pieces
to create the comforting mess
so I can be a lazy and useless in your eyes

To you it's probably just lies
but to me they are not

It's the way to keep the knot inside of me
so I don't have to let the dark shadow free
The shadow that would make this all even a bigger mess
not just for you but for me

So please
let me sit on the floor with my back against the wall
because inside of all this mess
I can be myself