
Tuhopolttajan taivas

Loin itselleni helvetin
jotta sydämeni ei jäätyisi
Poltin itseni vain
jotta voisin kuvitella olevani Feeniks

Tuhopolttajan taivas
tuhkat jalkojeni alla
polttavat edelleen
vaikka maa on jo jäätynyt
ja minä sen mukana


The notebook of whispered thoughts

Why is my heart pounding
when I write?

I grab the pen
to pour out my feelings
let loose the rhythm
that beats against my chest

Yet as I look down
on the notebook in front of me
my heart starts to dance in panic

Or in relief?

Every time a day
a week
a month
goes by without opening
the notebook of words
I am sure I have lost myself

I have come to the end of the road
that served me so well for years

I am dry
no ink spilling on the pages anymore

But then my heart starts to beat again
aches so much
that the only things that make it better
are the pen I have lost and
the notebook of whispered thoughts


Pillow talk

It's all just pillow talk
soft words crumbling
behind our closed lips
Mine against your neck
while you fall asleep
and dream of someone else



I can't stand silence
it brings out my inner dialogue
misfortunate lies

I don't know how to stand still
when my trembling legs
want to run towards the noise

Inside my head, inside my heart
the ongoing battle fades
as I scratch another lottery ticket

Winning is not important
I just want to lose
all sense of myself

All while the silence
tries to suffocate me


Meidän karttamme

Kirjoitan tarinamme ihollesi
seuraan sormellani väristyksiä
jotka kulkevat pintasi alla
kartoitan jokaisen huokauksen

En tahdo irroittaa otettani
vaikka tunnen sinun hiljalleen haihtuvan


Web of ignorance

I'm in love
with a daydream
intertwined in the lace
I want to believe
to be beautiful fabric

Ignoring the spider
that is crawling towards me
