

Sinä istutit minuun sen

mikä nyt pyrkii ulos

Kaunan kehoani kohtaan

tunnottomat raajat ja

irtautuneen mielen

Sinä työnsit minut reunalle

jolla olen seissyt

odottaen putoamista

Peläten ja kaivaten

tyhjää vapautta

Halu repiä itseni kappaleiksi

ja halu satuttaa sinua

voisivat olla yhtä suuret

niin kai tulisi ajatella

Tahtoisin sitä itsekin

Mutta edelleen minun kehoni on se

joka kantaa kaikki ne muistot

vaikka en enää muista

miltä tunnuit, miltä kuulostit

kaiken sen valkoisen kohinan keskellä


Starry night is leaking

through my window

water drops pouring into

this old cemetery

Night after night

I paint myself anew

because I want this

still life to resemble

something worth looking at

Please bring hellebores

to my grave

Someone else

love was meant to

heal us

it was meant to

break us

so our skin would crack

our bones break

and souls seek mending

from somewhere else

someone else


Early mornings with orange light

and dust dancing in the room

like sepia filter on an old photograph

Two vintage souls

in knots

body parts resting tangled and still

Eyelashes tremble

as dreams fade into reality

and the sun reminds the world

that the night doesn't last forever


I bathe in serotonin

to fit your mould

Breathe in dopamine

from these tanks

I'm swimming in

I'm refusing to drown

in the silence you created


as the clock ticks away

our sacred tomorrow

I long to be


Translate my thoughts

I write the same words over and over again

trying to find their right places

the perfect lines

But I don't know how to describe it all

how to convey the meaning of these verses

I'm losing my language

speaking empty sentences to deaf ears

just hoping someone knows how to

translate my thoughts

Haihdun henkäys kerrallaan

Haihdun henkäys kerrallaan

katoan savuna, savuavana sumuna

harmaana haaveena

En löydä itseäni, en voi

koskettaa sisintäni

Abstrakti, aineeton olemus

pitää minut loitolla itsestäni


When I try to pull you closer

You slip through my cracks

You wanted to mend me

Like the art of repairing what is broken

with golden seams

But the gold leaked

out of place

disappearing into the ground

You are too valuable

to spend it all on me

I just want to fly

I hear those vultures closing in

sensing my will

eager thoughts of confrontation

I just want to fly

I don't care how and where

I need the freedom

Air beneath me

Shred me or

swallow me whole

for I am the prey they need

And I want to be


En ole oma itseni
Minut on puserrettu
muotin läpi
rikottu ja kasattu ehjäksi
raavittu kasaan kengänpohjista
joiden askeleet
veivät liian kauaksi kotoa