

Sanattomat ajatukset
virtaavat suonissani
pilvien lailla
ne peittävät tähtitaivaan
sumentavat järkeni

Minä vain tahdoin
nähdä Otavan



I long for your nature

I want to make art

out of the dying flowers
behind your ear

out of the leaves under your feet
that cover the ground in autumn

I long for your nature



Flower crown

I wore a flower crown
for you
as a disguise to
cover our withering future

I wanted to
paint our life
with the colours
of the poisonous leaves
surrounding my thoughts

Thorns making my ears bleed
scratching on my skin

Yet I seemed to be
the only one
to hear the autumn coming




En tunne enää
liikettä sisälläni
virtaavaa verta
kuoreni alla
joka ennen sai
vartaloni, olemukseni
näyttämään elävältä

Olen vain ontto runko
pystyyn kuollut puu
jonka oksilta linnut putoavat
tunnottomuuteen uupuneina



A minimalistic mind

The storm outside my window
crashes presumptions against the glass
that is about to shatter
under all the pressure

I wish to be as free
as the weather
Scraping leaves from the trees
scattering them around
painting a new image with them
on empty houses' windows

The weather is the true artist
because it drowns our restless thoughts
with lightnings and
roars of the damned gods

We are so small
arguing with nature

Concentrating on the noise inside us
when the thunder tries to free us
distract us
from all we could live without

The weather
the nature
is simple
a minimalistic mind




Poetry is just
barely audible thoughts
in the presence of
the broken minds



Rainy days

I have so many rainy days inside me
waiting to be let free
on grey Monday mornings
while you drink your black coffee
with sleep still in your eyes




Lakanat painavat kuvionsa iholleni
niiden halaus tuntuu surulliselta
Polut liittyvät toisiinsa
Hetken kestäviä arpia
Muistoja yksinäisestä yöstä
jona lakanoiden lämpö
on enemmän kuin tarpeeksi



The love letters

I read your handwriting
fascinated of the loops
of unfinished thoughts
between the lines

The way words melt
into each other
like I hope to do
with your soul

The love letters you wrote
weren't for me to read



Under the weather

The sky runs in my veins
makes my thoughts cloudy
and the sweet rain of missed yesterdays
runs down my face
as the stormy night settles in

Lightnings hit the core of my heart
and I'm too tired to run from them
so I let them light up my nightmares
and pretend that it is just a sunset
suddenly making everything white again



Sinä olet pyörremyrsky

Sinä olet pyörremyrsky

Katson sinua etäältä
pysyttelen paikoillani
tuijotan ilmaa joka
haluaa vetää minut mukaansa

joka riepottelee uskoani

Vedät minua puoleesi
sillä sinussa on kaikki
mikä minusta puuttuu

Sinä olet pelottava voima
jonka silmässä kaikki rauhoittuu

Kontrastien luoma taideteos
joka ajaa ymmärtämättömät kauas
mutta minä haluan nähdä sen
kaiken kauneuden

Sinä olet vastakohta
minun tyynelle teeskentelylleni
joka piilottaa taakseen
mielipuolen lailla riehuvat ajatukset

Hitaasti tuhoan itseni
katsellessani sinun jälkeesi jättämää kaaosta
enkä silti uskalla
tulla lähelle

Entä jos törmäämme?
Entä jos täydennämme toisemme?




Warm waves of silky clouds
lift me up and bury me
under the nonexistent sky
full of dull stars

I'm drifting through the night
like I have no place to go to
while I sit here
dreaming wide awake

My clothes scratch my skin
yet I feel nothing
Numbness crawls up my spine
makes its nest behind me eyes

The sound of rain
from the storm inside me
won't distract my mind enough
to get back inside

Please don't let me float away
not like this




To say
”you broke me”

would give
too much credit
of something so

to a person who
wasn't able to
see me as a whole
to begin with



Home is where your heart isn't

My mind is so far away
from this place
but I'm still here

Locked inside of this house
I used to call home sweet home




The bruises on my skin
map out my lost ways
show all my errors, wrong turns

They are the traffic lights that
flashed false colours for me

They are turning from
red to yellow
and I'm not ready to move

Instead of waiting for
them to show their green light
I beat them black and blue again




Minussa ei ole enää sanoja

Olen valuttanut ne kaikki ulos
kuiva paperi nieli viimeisetkin pisarat
inspiraatiostani ja omistautuneisuudestani

Vain tyhjiä rivejä muistikirjassani
ja hiljainen mieli

Sekoitan mustetta juomiini
siinä toivossa että se virtaisi taas veressäni



There are no words in me anymore

I've drained them all out
the dry paper soaked every last bit
of my inspiration and devotion

Just empty lines in a notebook
and a silent mind

I mix ink in my drinks
in the hopes of it running in my veins again




From the mirror stares back
a melted face
eyes leaking acid
mouth stuck in a grin

Freak circus ticket
burns in the back pocket

Chained to a frame
staring at my own reflection
I crawl away from my own life

Is originality
playing any part in this game
if people around me
vomit melancholy



Heart - Mind

Listening to your heart
is the hardest thing
when your mind keeps shouting truths

Listening to your mind
is complicated
when your heart keeps loving
the things you should run away from
the things you should ignore
the things you should forget

the things that aren't even real

I hate how my heart feeds me these fantasies of love
Those scenarios
that make me hopeful
but will never happen because
I'm too afraid to see
I'm too afraid to look at the sun
because I know it will blind me

It should be the source of warmth
and light
but to me it's a scary black hole
that is waiting for me to finally fall for it

To finally burn to pieces
in the name of sanity
or insanity
or maybe both

Sometimes my heart thinks that
being blinded by the burning force
is the same thing as being in love

That all I need is to let myself go
fall in the black hole and
I'll be free
or at least caged in a neverending happiness

But my mind fights against it
It tries to close all the windows
so the light doesn't get in
so I don't lose my sight and sanity

But my heart so often
keeps the door open



The Symphony

I need someone to translate my thoughts
because I don't speak the language
my heart uses
the words my brain sings in

It all sounds like a messy orchestra
with their old instruments
that clash to each other
more out of tune after every note

The nonsense lyrics
don't resonate with me
I can't catch them from the
agonising air
that lingers around me
waits for me to understand it all



I am the night sky

I am not the type of girl
that people write poetry about

not the one that makes people
think of sunrises and summer rain

For I am the night sky, silent
with stars falling like
people fall for each other



She's a black hole

I look at her
She's a black hole
so open, raw
emotions sucking me in
while I fight for my life
for her life
trying to save us both
from this collapsing universe


Crashing tides

She was hoping
silently begging
for him to see
all of the overflowing rivers
she held inside of her

The drops of emotions
not even the ocean
could understand
without drowning

She wanted him
to see
the sea
the crashing tides
behind her eyes

She was always worried
the great waves
would kill him
leave him speechless

But he whispered
”I see you”


Hidden fantasy

I yearn for a place I've never known
I miss eyes I've never seen
All my life there has been
an inexplicable longing
for the nonexistent truth



Shades of self discovery

I am a messy palette
colours mixed in together
painting the outside of the
straight lines
creating grey rainbows
on bruised knees
pale skin faking freckles
just so it doesn't have to be empty

My heart dances with the moon
shining above my imagination
makes up love songs
out of sheer curiosity
while my hands
shaking hands
draw out the insecurity in my spine
shatter bones just to
find colour in them

I am the painting
so many artists in me tried to create
Never finished
Half way done
Half ready to give up
and dive in the bucket
of black paint and misunderstandings
drown out the mistakes
on my skin
under the dark layer of the facade

I'm bleeding colours
I could never imagine described me
but I am all of them
All of the shades of self discovery

I am the lost paint brush
losing all of its (h)air
while breathing under the surface
the blurry water
cleaning the layers of
unused smiles
just to take on another round

My laughing colours
bleed into each other
and the never finished canvas
wrapped around me
lets me breathe for a moment
just to let me know
how it feels like to be
a human



It is up to you

I will be invisible
for as long as you
look straight through me

I will be whole
for as long as you
don't question it

I will be okay
for as long as you
you don't see me



Saavuttamaton vastaus

Kirjoitan tajunnanvirtaa
ja yritän etsiä punaista lankaa
joka yhdistää minut
tähän maailmaan

Se kiemurtelee läpi
mitättömien keskusteluiden
ja turhien suhteiden

ohi kaikkien niiden minuuttien
jotka kulutin miettien
olenko oikeasti olemassa

Päädyn aina samaan lopputulokseen
saavuttamattomaan vastaukseen




I'm drunk on this numbness
battling against the
timeless minutes
that pass without touching me

I'm clear

All the cacophony
can't reach me
from this glass castle

I don't know if
I blocked all the feelings
I'm suppose to feel

left them out
as the hours ran away

or if the disappearing days
buried me in this
callous embrace of
grey nights



Olen humaltunut tästä tunnottomuudesta
taistelen vastaan
ajattomia minuutteja
jotka kuluvat koskettamatta minua

Olen paljas

Kaikki se kakofonia
ei voi saavuttaa minua
tämän lasilinnan sisältä

En tiedä
salpasinko kaikki ne tunteet
jotka minun kuuluisia tuntea

jätin ne ulos
kun tunnit juoksivat karkuun

vai hautasivatko
katoavat päivät minut
tähän tunteettomaan
harmaiden öiden syleilyyn



The view from within

The view from my balcony
paints pictures in my mind
Full of colors of the sunrise
and the sound of foggy mornings
when birds are too lost to sing

The cars drive by like
there is a better tomorrow waiting
just around the block

I don't believe in happy endings
kisses at sunsets
and bright nights

People can look for the romantic ending
from the neighborhood
but my mind wanders around the city
like a lost raven dressed as a swan

I don't need the wind to take me higher
not another turn on the street
to find a way through this
messy home I've built

The foggy mornings soothe me
so I can imagine a cloudless sky
when the run rises again
and loans its colours to me
so I can fill my restless mind
with the beauty I created




Kätesi hartioillani
saavat polveni heikoiksi
kauhusta vai ilosta?

Nämä aallot sisälläni
puhdistavat ja repivät auki
jokaisen ajatukseni, toiveeni

En tiedä kuuluuko minun
takertua sinuun
vai päästää irti




En saa kiinni omista ajatuksistani
ne juoksevat läpi seinien
hyppivät yli aitojen
jotka olen pystyttänyt
pitääkseni muiden katseet
kaukana minusta

En uskalla purkaa muuria
jotta voisin kerätä järkeni takaisin
lukita sen näiden seinien sisään

Saadakseni itseni kokoon
täytyisi minun lyödä itseni läpi
karata tästä vankilasta
joka oli aluksi kyhätty kasaan
oksista ja sammalesta
mutta ajan kuluessa se muuttui
kiveksi ja teräkseksi

Hiljaisuuden keskellä
on helppoa tulla hulluksi
kuvitella ympärille musiikkia ja sanoja
joita kukaan ei ole vielä keksinyt

Kirjoittaa lauseita toisensa jälkeen
ja toivoa että ne auttavat
eristyksen keskellä
tuovat seuraa
edes yksinäisten kirjainten muodossa

Ne eivät silti luo uusia ajatuksia
tuo takaisin karanneita mielikuvituksen rippeitä



The book of my mind

My mind is full on unread words
phrases that never leave my lips

I wish you could read my mind
find your way through my truths
the lost parts of conversations
and dreams I can't say out loud

I'd give you the key to unlock all of it
but just for a minute
so you could know me
learn the little pieces of me
that I can't seem to bring out

But I wouldn't let you see all of it
because even I can just barely understand
what the words in the book of my mind mean




Tein itselleni pedin ruusujen keskelle
nukahdin siihen tuoksuun
annoin sen tunkeutua ihoni alle

Se puudutti aistini
en huomannut piikkien raapivan kasvojani
ennen kuin arvet
tekivät silmien avaamisen mahdottomaksi
tuskallisen turhauttavaksi

Verta vuotavat huuleni
eivät voineet edes kuiskata
vaikka ruusut ympärilläni
saivat sanat sisälläni soimaan



3 a.m.

Your tangled hair lays on the pillow like a messy cloud, the same way your thoughts are knotted and scattered around your bed at 3 a.m. The heavy air is pressing you against the cold sheets and you feel like you can't move under all the numb restlessness. It's too much and too little.

Midnight has passed a long time ago. It feels like there is an eternity between you and the daylight but in reality, there's only the wall your mind created. The one you put up every night. It blocks your sleep because even though you are tired and crave for the much needed rest, you are simply too exhausted to climb over it. So you stay behind it, let it divide your thoughts from reality, your anxious mind from sleep.

There are moments when you can close your eyes and pretend that your consciousness is no longer awake. Imagine that the loneliness around you is a mere illusion. There is a movie playing inside your eyelids, giving you hope for the empty days to soon fill with life. You can almost feel someone next to you, the person you long for. The warmth of another lonely soul. Imagine that the air, the breath that brushes your skin isn't actually yours but someone else's.

As long as you keep your eyes closed, you are safe. The only thing you need are the dreams you create and even if the wall around you is keeping sleep far away from you, at least you'll have the illusion. The blue haven for your soul.

3 a.m. can be deadly if you let it too close; if the fantasy breaks and you let reality flow into your imagination, let it mix with all the sweet little lies of yours. Even if you open your eyes to see the darkness settling in, there's still hope as long as you draw that thin line between small hours and you.

The wall you keep building against your own will protects your soul, it's between your inner self and everything else. Just don't let it grow too tall or your soul will turn into a prisoner of itself. But don't let it crumble too fast either, it might just be the only thing that keeps you sane when the loneliness sinks in too deep and hits your core.


Scarred sky

Scarred sky underneath my skin
star constellations on the surface
Your touch brings out
all the sparkling galaxies within me

This stardust around us
creates a new light for the past
beautiful shadows for the future
Let's fall when we still can


Arpinen taivas

Arpinen taivas ihoni alla
tähtikuvioita pinnalla
Sinun kosketuksesi tuo esiin
kaikki sisälläni kuplivat galaksit

Tämä tähtisumu ympärillämme
luo uuden valon menneisyydelle
kauniita varjoja tulevaisuudelle
Pudotaan vielä kun voidaan


I can't please my mind

I can't please my mind

When I take a right turn
it screams in my left ear

When I stop thinking
it keeps pushing me over the edge

I have to keep on moving
even when my feet
are glued to the ground
and soul nailed to
the scene around me

I can't please my mind
even when I try to
because it doesn't know what it wants
and neither do I

We are the same


En voi miellyttää mieltäni

En voi miellyttää mieltäni

Kun käännyn oikeaan
se huutaa vasempaan korvaani

Kun lopetan ajattelemisen
se työntää minut reunan yli

Minun täytyy pysyä liikkeessä
vaikka jalkani ovat
liimattuina maahan
ja sieluni naulattuna
maisemaan ympärilläni

En voi miellyttää mieltäni
vaikka yrittäisin
koska se ei tiedä mitä se haluaa
enkä tiedä minäkään

Olemme samanlaisia


Älä jää

Selkäsi kaari
tuntuu kohtalolta
vasten sieluani

Sinun lämpösi
sulaa ihollani
kuin lumi

Ethän jää tänne


Don't stay

The arch of your back
feels like destiny
against my soul

Your warmth
melts on my skin
like snow

Please don't stay


Ei mitään

Tyhjät silmät, tyhjät kädet
Hiljaisuus vuotaa suonistani
Elotonta ilmaa keuhkoissani
Paljaita ajatuksia pimeydessä

Ja kaikki mitä halusin
olit sinä



Empty eyes, empty hands
Silence bleeding from my veins
Lifeless air in my lungs
Bare thoughts in the darkness

And all I wanted
was you


Kiss the poetry from your lips

Kiss the poetry
from your lips
onto mine

Breathe out your lies
so I have something
to believe in

Let your wandering hands
create new paths
for our mistakes

Do anything just so
I don't have to fall
          in love


Just one minute

Time is not real within this numbness
the ticking of the clock
is not from my reality

It echoes from another dimension
demands to be heard
when I don't understand its language

It keeps pushing me around
showing me the way to dead ends
and abandoned conclusions

The numbers try to make me move
tell me stories of failure
scare me to think that
my world is disappearing
as the seconds pass so loudly

All I need is a minute for myself


Vain yksi minuutti

Aika ei ole totta tässä tunnottomuudessa
kellon tikitys
ei ole minun todellisuudestani

Se kaikuu toisesta ulottuvuudesta
vaatii tulla kuulluksi
vaikka en ymmärrä sen kieltä

Se tönii minua ympäriinsä
näyttää tien umpikujiin
ja hylättyihin päätelmiin

Numerot yrittävät saada minut liikkumaan
kertovat tarinoita epäonnistumisesta
pelottelevat minut ajattelemaan
että maailmani on katoamassa
kun sekunnit kiitävät äänekkäästi ohi

Minä tarvitsisin vain minuutin itselleni



We have the whole universe

Our sun and moon
circle the same story
dance side by side

They bring light to each other
create a whole world
where it's easy to sink in
escape from the thunder
and rain

Two of us in the middle of the stars
part of the universe
that gives the opportunity for everything
we dare to dream about

We just need to
grab the orbit
that leads towards
a new sunrise
a new full moon

Meillä on koko avaruus

Meidän aurinko ja kuu
kiertää samaa tarinaa
tanssii vierekkäin

Ne tuo valoa toisilleen
luo kokonaisen maailman
johon on helppo upota
karata ukkospilviltä
ja sadekuuroilta

Me kaksi tähtisateen keskellä
osa sitä avaruutta
joka antaa mahdollisuuden kaikelle
mistä uskallamme unelmoida

Meidän tarvitsee vain
tarttua kiertorataan
joka johdattaa kohti
uutta auringonnousua
uutta täysikuuta



This shape around me
wrapped in disgust

Too close to see clearly

I'm turning into
a disfigured presumption
Breaking my own rules
of beauty



Tämä hahmo ympärilläni
kietoutunut vastenmielisyyteen

Liian lähellä nähdäkseni selvästi

Olen muuttumassa
runnelluksi olettamukseksi
Rikon omat sääntöni



Daydreaming can kill you

Daydreaming can kill you.

When the empty walls around you pull themselves closer to you and the faint echo of your past self lingers in the white rooms, it's easy to escape into the world you have created. Just let go of everything else for a while and sink in the depth of your inner reality.

The never ending flow of imagination can cuddle you up like the person who never walked into your life. It will embrace you in its loving arms as you dive deeper in the dream that you can just barely touch. It will comfort you, be your partner through the cold nights.

It's easy to imagine love, just the way you would need it. There are no sharp edges in daydreams, no breaking points in the heart that is not beating in the real world. Just the sweet bliss of being where you need to be, when you need to be.

You can make up all the beauty of it, create new storylines for your twisted needs. New day means a new dream and you can't get enough. Just imagine yourself the love and lust you've wanted, build a whole new future for yourself, even if it's just for a few seconds, until it all starts to crash down when the reality leaks into your bubble of fantasies.

Of course there's always hope. Hope that it will lead you to your destination. Bring out new possibilities. Give you the right direction to reach the imaginary cities you've build. Maybe you are developing your own story and by dreaming, you will have a happy ending after all.

You just have to keep the truth nearby so you don't crash too fast, fall too hard, if the clouds underneath your utopia fade away.

Daydreaming can kill you, yet it is the only thing that will keep you alive.


Your gaze is a blade

I use you gaze as a blade
the shadow of your hands on my back as a map
so I'll find the destination

I'll dig up all my weak spots
that I cut off
with the knife I made
out of your forgotten words


Katseesi on terä

Käytän katsettasi teränä
käsiesi varjoa selässäni karttana
jotta löydän perille

Kaivan esiin kaikki heikot kohtani
jotka leikkaan pois
sillä veitsellä jonka muovailin
sinun unohdetuista sanoistasi


Your story

Do you ever get lost in your own dreams?
Gather them, hoping and fearing
that one day you'll reach them

What will be left if the happy ending
happens in the middle of the story?

Are you ever afraid of the plot twists?
You avoid bumps along the way
and countlessly slow down your journey

Maybe you are not the main character
you only have a walk-on role

Do you still want to see how the story ends?


Sinun tarinasi

Eksytkö koskaan omiin unelmiisi?
Haalit niitä toivoen ja peläten
että jonain päivänä saavutat ne

Mitä jää jäljelle jos onnellinen loppu
tapahtuukin tarinan keskellä

Pelkäätkö koskaan juonenkäänteitä?
Välttelet kuoppia matkan varrella
hidastaen matkaasi moninkertaisesti

Ehkä et olekaan päähenkilö
sinulla onkin vain sivuosa

Haluatko silti nähdä kuinka tarina loppuu?




I saw you in the lake
that's on the back of my head
swimming in my mind
drowning in my thoughts

I wanted to save you
from the waves that
hit the shore so hard
crashed against the rocks

By concentrating on you
looking after you
I made myself disappear

Trying to understand you
was enough to make me
go underwater



The hunter

The dark, shapeshifting figure
inside my bones
shows up in my shadow
if you just know how to look for it

It's mutilating my soul
to make it easier to swallow
easier to make it look like
it all has just been an accident

It keeps messing with my mind
and I don't know anything anymore

If I created it or
if I caught it like an unfortunate cold

Or if it found me
I'm its prey



Maybe it was meant to be like this

Maybe I'm suppose to be alone
so no one can break me

But I'm not sure
if I can stay away
from myself

Not break myself



Avaa minut

Avaa rintani
kaiva esille kaikki minkä löydät
kaikki luurankoni
jotka olen piilottanut sisääni
ja sirpaleet joista en saanut kasattua
enää yhtään kokonaista minää

Voit tehdä niillä mitä vaan
Murskaa ne tomuksi
tai kasaa takaisin kokonaiseksi yritykseksi
olla jotain muuta kuin minä

Mikä vain on parempi
kuin tämä haalistunut kulissi




I'm tired of you
I'm tired of these thoughts about you
about us, about me
that keep circling my brain
like a hunter its prey

You still show the way
my heart was not suppose to go

It took a leap of faith
and ended up losing its independence
the second it was caught in your web
of ignorance and silence

The sweet bliss you knitted around us
while I got tangled

You still pull the strings
create new loops
even when I can't think about you
when my memories have an empty space
where you used to be

Somehow you still guide my thoughts
during nights like this
when I think you are in the neverending past
and that you can't break free from it
Forgotten forevermore

I can't remember your smile
your manners
but your voice still echoes
around me, inside me
like a doomed ghost
looking for the final place to rest

I don't know how to silence you
without breaking my own promises



The Mask

I'm scared that my face shows
everything I think about
every single lie I tell myself
every dream I don't dare to dream

I would rather be faceless
than reveal all the conflict inside me
just by existing




Minun hiljaisuuteni on pakoreitti
niiltä hyökyaalloilta
jotka syövät tietänsä ulos sisältäni

Hukun sekunti sekunnilta
enemmän ja syvemmälle
vaikka hengitystieni ovat tyhjät
täynnä aavemaista äänettömyyttä

Yritän pitää mieleni tyynenä
vaikka myrskyn silmä
pyörii sydämeni ympärillä
takertuu siitä lähteviin sykähdyksiin
aivan kuin se yrittäisi vetää itseään kuiville
Todellisuudessa se on ainoa
joka tekee paikallaan pysymisen mahdottomaksi

Huojun aaltojen armoilla
isken itseni rantakivikkoon
kerta toisensa jälkeen

Enkä enää muista
miltä pilvetön taivas näyttää



Your reflection

I imagine that touching you
would be like touching a mirror
tracing my own picture
inside the heavy frame

Your cold skin reflecting mine
Light shining all around you
but never actually meeting your eyes
never finding your soul

The cool surface on you
would make you out of reach
so smooth under my fingertips
leaving my senses blank

I would be afraid that I'd break you
and hurt myself with the shards

Sinun heijastuksesi

Kuvittelen että sinun koskettamisesi
olisi kuin koskettaisi peiliä
jäljentäisin omaa kuvaani
painavan kehyksen sisällä

Sinun kylmä ihosi heijastaa minut
Ympärilläsi loistaa valo
mutta se ei koskaan tapaa silmiäsi
ei koskaan löydä sieluasi

Ylläsi oleva viileä pinta
tekisi sinut ulottumattomaksi
niin sileä sormenpäideni alla
jättää aistini tyhjiksi

Pelkäisin rikkovani sinut
ja satuttavani itseni sirpaleisiin



Näen valveunia illoista
valkoisista öistä
joiden kuuluisi rauhoittaa
taivuttaa minut uneen

Mieleni ei hiljene
vaikka ylitseni pyyhkivä
raskas lyijy tukehduttaa
jättää jälkeensä naarmuja

Toisinaan haaveilen siitä
kuinka kaikki pimenee
edes vain sekunniksi
jotta jaksaisin taas pudota


Take it with you

I wish my heart didn't belong to anyone
that it just stayed inside my chest
beat its way to life but nothing more or less
It would be cradled in sweet nothingness

But I keep sending parts of it away
with every stranger I encounter
every smile I receive
It doesn't know the difference
between illusion and truth
It wants to escape its cold prison
whenever someone mixes up its rhythm

I wish my heart didn't belong to anyone else but me
because I need to hear its beat
more than anyone else


Vie se mukanasi

Toivon että sydämeni ei kuuluisi kenellekään
että se pysyisi rintani sisällä
hakkaisi itsensä eloon mutta ei enempää eikä vähempää
Se olisi tuuditettuna makeaan unohdukseen

Mutta lähetän siitä osia pois
jokaisen tuntemattoman matkaan
jokaisen vastaanotetun hymyn vuoksi
Se ei tunne eroa
illuusion ja totuuden välillä
Se haluaa paeta kylmästä vankilastaan
aina kun joku sekoittaa sen rytmin

Toivon että sydämeni ei kuuluisi kenellekään muulle kuin minulle
koska minun täytyy kuulla sen tahti
enemmän kuin kenenkään muun



Empty echo

My walls are screaming
crumbling down

My soul has a free will
trying to escape
abandon this rotten building

I can't give it what it needs
can't be the sanctuary
to keep it safe

The empty echo
that it left behind
is not enough


Tyhjä kaiku

Seinäni huutavat
murenevat alas

Sielullani on vapaa tahto
se yrittää karata
hylätä tämän mädän rakennuksen

En voi antaa sille tarvitsemaansa
olla pyhättö
joka pitää sen turvassa

Tyhjä kaiku
jonka se jätti jälkeensä
ei ole tarpeeksi




I am waiting
naked and exposed
as the clouds behind my eyes
cry salty rain on my cheeks

The pale moon above us
shines pastel light
cradles us in sweet oblivion
as we swing between galaxies

To you this whole world
the entire universe
is open wide and calling your name

Just like I am

Waiting for you to find
all its miracles and sorrows
the forgotten planets
which you can't see

You are stuck behind the meteor shower

But my universe is so much bigger
than our realities
it breathes in the stars
that burst into blue flames
shining new light beyond us
You can't even imagine all the beauty
of these broken skies

I want the orbit inside me
to flow out like a wild river
paint the cold sun with all its wonders
so you can make it yours


Dark beauty

I try to find beauty in my thoughts
in the way my mind leaves scars
where ever it touches

In a moment like this
when my brain won't stop turning
making me feel dizzy
it's hard to remember
the name of the cause

The name
that was given to me when I was born
The name
I wish someone said out loud

I'm scared to go too far
with my intriguing nightmares
in the search for beauty
I might get lost in them

They pull me near when I close my eyes
even though I know
there's nothing beautiful
in the deep thoughts
my mind keeps feeding me



En asu täällä enää

Sait minun helvettini näyttämään niin helpolta
Maalasit kauniita kuvioita revenneen tapetin päälle
peitit halkeamat lattiassa uusilla matoilla

Se ei silti estänyt seiniä kaatumasta päälleni
ikkunoita särkymästä
kun pääni sisällä kiertävät huudot
halkoivat taajuuksia

Minun kehoni oli vuokralla sinulle
kaikki oikeudet luovutettu
Se mitä minusta oli jäljellä
on nyt pakattu muuttolaatikoihin
matkalla uuteen osoitteeseen
tai ehkä kaatopaikalle
romuttamon roskikseen

Kattolampusta sataa sirpaleita päälleni
kun rukoilen edes yhtä valonsädettä

Ne sanoo että helvetti on ikuinen tuli
mutta minä en näe kuin pimeyttä
En tunne niitä lieskoja
joiden kuuluisi polttaa turtaa ihoani

Kylmät käteni on sidottu ovenkahvaan
odottamaan että raameista vuotava pakkanen
vie lopunkin tunnon
