
Katseesi on terä

Käytän katsettasi teränä
käsiesi varjoa selässäni karttana
jotta löydän perille

Kaivan esiin kaikki heikot kohtani
jotka leikkaan pois
sillä veitsellä jonka muovailin
sinun unohdetuista sanoistasi


Your story

Do you ever get lost in your own dreams?
Gather them, hoping and fearing
that one day you'll reach them

What will be left if the happy ending
happens in the middle of the story?

Are you ever afraid of the plot twists?
You avoid bumps along the way
and countlessly slow down your journey

Maybe you are not the main character
you only have a walk-on role

Do you still want to see how the story ends?


Sinun tarinasi

Eksytkö koskaan omiin unelmiisi?
Haalit niitä toivoen ja peläten
että jonain päivänä saavutat ne

Mitä jää jäljelle jos onnellinen loppu
tapahtuukin tarinan keskellä

Pelkäätkö koskaan juonenkäänteitä?
Välttelet kuoppia matkan varrella
hidastaen matkaasi moninkertaisesti

Ehkä et olekaan päähenkilö
sinulla onkin vain sivuosa

Haluatko silti nähdä kuinka tarina loppuu?




I saw you in the lake
that's on the back of my head
swimming in my mind
drowning in my thoughts

I wanted to save you
from the waves that
hit the shore so hard
crashed against the rocks

By concentrating on you
looking after you
I made myself disappear

Trying to understand you
was enough to make me
go underwater



The hunter

The dark, shapeshifting figure
inside my bones
shows up in my shadow
if you just know how to look for it

It's mutilating my soul
to make it easier to swallow
easier to make it look like
it all has just been an accident

It keeps messing with my mind
and I don't know anything anymore

If I created it or
if I caught it like an unfortunate cold

Or if it found me
I'm its prey



Maybe it was meant to be like this

Maybe I'm suppose to be alone
so no one can break me

But I'm not sure
if I can stay away
from myself

Not break myself



Avaa minut

Avaa rintani
kaiva esille kaikki minkä löydät
kaikki luurankoni
jotka olen piilottanut sisääni
ja sirpaleet joista en saanut kasattua
enää yhtään kokonaista minää

Voit tehdä niillä mitä vaan
Murskaa ne tomuksi
tai kasaa takaisin kokonaiseksi yritykseksi
olla jotain muuta kuin minä

Mikä vain on parempi
kuin tämä haalistunut kulissi




I'm tired of you
I'm tired of these thoughts about you
about us, about me
that keep circling my brain
like a hunter its prey

You still show the way
my heart was not suppose to go

It took a leap of faith
and ended up losing its independence
the second it was caught in your web
of ignorance and silence

The sweet bliss you knitted around us
while I got tangled

You still pull the strings
create new loops
even when I can't think about you
when my memories have an empty space
where you used to be

Somehow you still guide my thoughts
during nights like this
when I think you are in the neverending past
and that you can't break free from it
Forgotten forevermore

I can't remember your smile
your manners
but your voice still echoes
around me, inside me
like a doomed ghost
looking for the final place to rest

I don't know how to silence you
without breaking my own promises
