

It hurt
to see the time and wait for you
while the grey snow melted
wiped away our first steps

Time ran
it stumbled towards you
just like it was mocking me
left me on the gravel road
          in the middle of piles of snow
          to look for the missing heart beats
          the ones you so dearly wanted

To look for the fucking smiles and shared nights
and the conversations in the small hours
when neither of us wanted to sleep

(Or maybe I should have tried
to find Hell
          that's probably the way I was heading anyway)

I guess I should have
found those chats in the A.M
that pushed us to that crossroad
on that rough gravel road where you picked a direction
and I stayed and waited

I thought I was waiting for you
to walk back and smile to me
and kiss me like we were meeting for the first time
and take me back
to our future together

But maybe it was actually a miracle I was waiting for


Se teki kipeää
katsoa kelloa ja odottaa sinua
harmaan lumen sulaessa
pyyhkiessä pois meidän ensiaskeleet

Kello juoksi
se kompuroi sinua kohti
ja aivan kuin kiusatakseen
jätti minut soratielle
          sinne lumipenkkojen keskelle
          etsimään niitä kadonneita sydämen tykytyksiä
          joita sinä niin kovin kaipasit

Etsimään niitä helvetin hymyjä ja yhteisiä öitä
ja niitä keskusteluja pikkutunneilla
kun kumpikaan ei halunnut nukkua

(Tai ehkä minun olisi pitänyt
löytää helvetti
          sinnehän olin varmaan aina suuntaamassa)

Minun olisi pitänyt kai
löytää ne aamuöiset keskustelut
jotka työnsivät meidät siihen risteykseen
raapivalle soratielle jossa sinä valitsit suunnan
ja minä jäin odottamaan

Luulin odottavani sinua,
sitä että kävelisit takaisin ja hymyilisit
ja suutelisit kuin tapaisimme ensikertaa
ja veisit minut takaisin
meidän yhteiseen tulevaisuuteen

Mutta ehkä se olikin ihme mitä oikeasti odotin



Locked room

Room full of boxes, filled with unused emotions, overflowing feelings, useless memories. I stack them up over and over again, hoping they would disappear, suddenly empty themselves. Is it safer to collect them in a locked room or let them run free, escape the cardboard house I planted them in?

If I just organize them, alphabets, weight, units, will they make more sense? Will I find a place for all of them from within me?

I feel the urge to let them out, let them fill me so I can combust from all the unshared sensations but I'm too scared to find out what will happen after it. Is there anything? Will I feel a thing?

I'm afraid I'll turn into a numb carcass, once so full of life's disappointments, now just an abandoned shell with a hollow echo lingering in the empty space where my soul used to be.

I pile the boxes on top of each other. Time after time I read the labels of the dusty feelings. Scared to accidentally scratch open the seal and let them fall out. I stare at the names of the sensations once so familiar to me. Now I can't remember any of them, afraid to even ask.

All my life the scariest thing was the dark matter, the feeling that weighs so much, it runs over you every time you whisper its name. The box it lives in leaks shadows all over the place, leaves bleak air behind it. To me anxiety and sadness were easy, loss and fear were nothing compared to the darkest, rotting emotion.

For you the red roses with their thorns are part of the journey, the end goal where you want to end up so bad. Touching the daydream is what you need but I want to run away from it. I locked it in the room, left it behind secret codes and locks without keys.

My deepest fear isn't fear itself. It's not the dark you see before everything ends. I have left them in weak boxes, ready for them to burst out any moment. I don't care.

The darkest fear that lives in my consciousness is the soulless being of love.